Publicity, Promotions and Recruitment Report 2019
As you may remember the management of these issues was devolved from one person to the management committee during 2017/18.
Publicity of significant events such as the Classic Car Day at Easter time was handled on three levels. Firstly letting car clubs know, was a task done by Rona Goold creating a file with all NSW/ ACT clubs and their digital contacts.
The second way was the usual distribution of red posters, contact with free radio and newspaper sites, the village newsletter, E News, banners at each end of town and the new Village CTC Sign. Anne has helped with artwork and printing of many of our publicity flyers. We do this for all significant happenings such as our art shows, open garden weekend, dog walk, and train visits.
The effective means of attracting attention is the village electronic information sign and Facebook.
Neil has been placing periodic articles of interest in the Robertson Common FB page and we have been letting Jenny Kena know about events such as the Cockatoo Run for placement on the sign.
Cooperation with other community organisations such as the CTC and the Business Chamber to get our message out, has been a good move.
Rona Goold (as RHRS Secretary) distributes a monthly e-news letter to members. Rona, as webmaster. continues to add and edit our our Robertson Railway Website - ensuring the Coming Events Section is updated and any special events featured. Rona has also ensured the RHRS Facebook page, local tourism and other Highlands website have carried information about our events. This gave us state wide coverage to interested parties quite simply and was proved successful by the excellent attendance.
This is probably the limit to our efforts given our small number of volunteers and our ageing executive. As regards recruitment, Neil posts mention of enjoyable aspects of belonging to RHRS and stressing our need for new faces.
Helen’s excellent idea for a Friends of RHRS book for names and email addresses has enabled another good recruit avenue. This is good use of our resources to meet a wider audience via those who are purchasing tickets for the Robertson Loop. No new recruits have come yet but may bear fruit in the future.
The best recruiter for practical railway associated membership so far has been the Modeller Group, in that it is a specific activity of interest to committed group, who will turn up every week.
We will continue these modest publicity activities in the coming year.
Rona and I want to extend our thanks to everyone who works with us. In particular, we wish to thank Ian Wallace, supported by wife Sandra, for his dedicated and meticulous attention to providing leadership for our team for the last three years, attending associated railway association events and the thousands of hours of practical work Ian has done in many area of the Railway precinct since Ian joined RHRS Inc.
Steve Carey
Vice-President and Publicity Coordinator
As you may remember the management of these issues was devolved from one person to the management committee during 2017/18.
Publicity of significant events such as the Classic Car Day at Easter time was handled on three levels. Firstly letting car clubs know, was a task done by Rona Goold creating a file with all NSW/ ACT clubs and their digital contacts.
The second way was the usual distribution of red posters, contact with free radio and newspaper sites, the village newsletter, E News, banners at each end of town and the new Village CTC Sign. Anne has helped with artwork and printing of many of our publicity flyers. We do this for all significant happenings such as our art shows, open garden weekend, dog walk, and train visits.
The effective means of attracting attention is the village electronic information sign and Facebook.
Neil has been placing periodic articles of interest in the Robertson Common FB page and we have been letting Jenny Kena know about events such as the Cockatoo Run for placement on the sign.
Cooperation with other community organisations such as the CTC and the Business Chamber to get our message out, has been a good move.
Rona Goold (as RHRS Secretary) distributes a monthly e-news letter to members. Rona, as webmaster. continues to add and edit our our Robertson Railway Website - ensuring the Coming Events Section is updated and any special events featured. Rona has also ensured the RHRS Facebook page, local tourism and other Highlands website have carried information about our events. This gave us state wide coverage to interested parties quite simply and was proved successful by the excellent attendance.
This is probably the limit to our efforts given our small number of volunteers and our ageing executive. As regards recruitment, Neil posts mention of enjoyable aspects of belonging to RHRS and stressing our need for new faces.
Helen’s excellent idea for a Friends of RHRS book for names and email addresses has enabled another good recruit avenue. This is good use of our resources to meet a wider audience via those who are purchasing tickets for the Robertson Loop. No new recruits have come yet but may bear fruit in the future.
The best recruiter for practical railway associated membership so far has been the Modeller Group, in that it is a specific activity of interest to committed group, who will turn up every week.
We will continue these modest publicity activities in the coming year.
Rona and I want to extend our thanks to everyone who works with us. In particular, we wish to thank Ian Wallace, supported by wife Sandra, for his dedicated and meticulous attention to providing leadership for our team for the last three years, attending associated railway association events and the thousands of hours of practical work Ian has done in many area of the Railway precinct since Ian joined RHRS Inc.
Steve Carey
Vice-President and Publicity Coordinator