Help maintain the Highlands Heritage Listed Robertson Railway.
Become a RHRS Member
Join by downloading our Membership Form– and sending in your application form.
Memberships: Single – $10; Family – $20; Concession – $5; Gallery – $5
Every membership helps our finances a little – spread the message and a link to this Friends Membership page :-)
Make a Donation Please direct deposit to RHRS bank account BSB: 641800 A/C No 200285100 and email us to confirm or send cheque/ money order to RHRS, P.O. Box 3212, Robertson NSW 2577 or Volunteer some time
Why? Over the last 15 years this derelict site has been turned into a beautiful railway and village attraction with facilities that can be used for small functions, and grounds for picnics. Our faithful band of volunteers are ageing and need to establish a maintenance plan that can run with a small group over-sighting the Robertson’s Railways future. As the world has become busier, people are working longer or looking after grandchildren, there are fewer people able to volunteer their time to assist community projects. Robertson Heritage Railway Station (RHRS) Inc is no different. As a non-profit volunteer based community association, RHRS needs more people to be involved as volunteers and / or more income to maintain this wonderful heritage listed railway precinct.
One big drain on volunteer energy is running events to make some income . . . so donations are most welcome. Any donation – however small or large – will keep this site for future generations!