Held in the Fettlers Shed at 7.30pm on Thursday, 7 September 2017
1. Welcome and apologies
Chairman Ian Wallace welcomed those present for the AGM and noted apologies given.
Present: Ian Wallace (Chair), Helen Tranter, Anne Wilson, Steve Carey, Rona Goold, Neil Harvey, Marion Harvey, Sandra Wallace, Brett Wilson, John Hopkins, Robert Goldsack, Noel Rothwell, Ron Middleton, Peter Glass, Rob Randall, David Weaver, Robert Payne.
Apologies: Greg Oehm, Russell Bailey.
2. Minutes of last AGM, held on Thursday, 8 September 2016
Rona Goold noted an amendment to the draft Minutes of the 2016 AGM as published on the RHRS website i.e Item 9 Grounds & Gardens report “ Motion: That the RHRS Safety Report 2016, as read and tabled be accepted. Moved: Steve Carey, seconded: Ian Wallace. All Agreed” be amended to read: “Motion: That the RHRS Grounds & Gardens report 2016, as read and tabled be accepted. Moved: Steve Carey, seconded: Ian Wallace. All Agreed.”
Motion: That the Minutes of the last AGM, as tabled, circulated and published on the RHRS website, with the amendment to Item 9 noted above, to be taken as read and accepted. Moved: Helen Tranter, seconded: Steve Carey, all agreed.
[The document was subsequently signed by President for 2016-2017, Ian Wallace, as a true record.]
3. President’s report for the past year
Ian Wallace tabled his RHRS President’s report for 2017 (which had been circulated by email) and highlighted various matters in his report. These included the consequences of 3801 Limited cessation of train visits, future planning for the RHRS organisation (particularly the need for new volunteers), safety and maintenance issues, gardens and grounds maintenance - with the recent change to Bowral Community Corrections support, the modelling group and other significant points. Ian concluded by thanking everyone most sincerely for their efforts throughout the last year - which had been a successful year, notwithstanding the dearth of recent visits by heritage trains.
Motion: That the RHRS President’s report for 2017, as tabled, circulated and published on the RHRS website be taken as read and accepted. Moved: Ian Wallace, seconded: John Hopkins. All Agreed.
4. “The Reality of RHRS in September 2017”
Ian Wallace made comments with regard to the following matters:
- loss of train visits,
- difficulty of getting younger (than 60) volunteers,
- Ian’s other personal goals and publishing activities regarding railway heritage,
- life plans by other current volunteers and the difficulty for them to commit to ongoing RHRS work,
- the need for succession planning for over the next 12 months, and for planning what can be done to make the station precinct as “manageable”, successful and viable as possible.
- If re-elected as President, Ian plans to focus on future planning for RHRS, recruiting younger Committee members and volunteers (if possible) and to explore all options for keeping RHRS active and viable for as long as possible.
- In doing so, Ian gave 12-months’ notice of his probable retirement as President of RHRS at the 2018 AGM.
Anne Wilson tabled her report for the last financial year, made the comment that RHRS had raised more income than expected (about $3000) and met the target to have sufficient funds for precinct maintenance for the next year. See 2016-2017 Financial Reports
Motion: That the RHRS Financial Report 2017, as tabled, circulated and published on the RHRS website be taken as read and accepted. Moved: Anne Wilson, seconded: Helen Tranter. All Agreed.
David Weaver recommended that the Incoming Committee investigate grants from the State Government Community Grants program and from the Veolia Trust. Action - Incoming Management Committee
Motion: That the RHRS Auditor’s Report 2017, as tabled, circulated and published on the RHRS website be taken as read and accepted. Moved: Anne Wilson, seconded: Helen Tranter. All Agreed
Anne was commended for managing the RHRS finances extremely well and the meeting showed its appreciation by acclamation.
6. Safety report 2017
Neil Harvey, as Safety Officer, tabled his Safety Report for 2017. See ‘Other Reports’.
7. Gallery Report 2017
Anne Wilson read and tabled the Gallery Report 2017. See ‘Other Reports’.
8. RHRS Publicity & Promotions Report 2017
Steve Carey gave an oral report on the last year’s RHRS publicity & promotions activities on behalf of the Management Committee.
Steve explained that he and Rona Goold had maintained a basic level of publicity for RHRS. These were:
- updating the RHRS website –
- making posts on the Robertson Common (main village website) and the RHRS Facebook page.
- compiling and distributing monthly e-Bulletins to the RHRS volunteers and friends mailing list, and updating the events section of the RHRS website accordingly, also submitting this information to the CTC monthly news
- Steve talking to local radio stations (2ST, ABC, and Highlands FM) when a specific activity was being run.
RHRS also was fortunate to have the “Better Homes and Gardens” people from Channel 7 visit as well as having a special feature on our Waratah Gardens in the Highlife Magazine.
Steve also talked about the widespread difficulties getting younger volunteers, commonly due to many changes in the social fabric of communities these days.
Roberts Goldsack recommended the RHRS Committee look at the possibility of establishing an Ambassador Program, with a local high-profile person such as Ben Quilty promoting the RHRS resources, and also of approaching local high schools to interest more young people. This was favoured by some attendees.
9. Grounds & Gardens Report for 2016/2017
Ian tabled his Grounds & Gardens Report for 2017. See ‘Other Reports’.
10. Robertson History Report 2017
Helen tabled her Robertson History Report for 2017. See ‘Other Reports’.
11. Station and heritage train visits
Ian Wallace spoke to this item as part of his ‘President’s Report’.
11. Buildings & Maintenance Report 2017
Neil Harvey tabled and spoke to his Buildings and Maintenance Report, highlighting
- the new roof for the Fettlers Shed Gallery
- completion of the ‘Concrete Cancer Repair Project’
- painting projects as well as the RHRS request to ARTC for funding the painting of the station buildings. See ‘Other Reports’.
12. RHRS Modellers Group Report 2017
Neil Harvey tabled and spoke to the Modellers Group Report, noting an increase in members, opening times and excursions to other modellers’ facilities. There are now three layouts owned and operated by RHRS.
Neil and Ron Middleton were commended for their maintenance work and efforts with the Modeller’s Group and the meeting showed appreciation by acclamation. See ‘Other Reports’.
Motion: That the Reports for items 6 to 12 above - as tabled, circulated and published on the RHRS website be taken as read and accepted. Moved: Ian Wallace, seconded: Steve Carey. All Agreed.
14. Handover to Returning Officer. The President noted that it was now time for the election of officers to fill the various RHRS management positions. Ian declared all 2016/2017 Management Committee positions vacant and handed over the Chair to Returning Officer, Robert Goldsack.
15. Election of Committee
Robert Goldsack, as Returning Officer, presided over election of the Committee for 2017/2018 as follows:
i. President
Robert called for nominations for the position of President. Ian Wallace was nominated by Neil Harvey, seconded by Steve Carey. Ian accepted. No other nominations were received.
ii. Vice-president
Robert called for nominations for the position of Vice-president. Neil Harvey was nominated by Steve Carey, seconded by Ian Wallace. Neil accepted. No other nominations were received.
iii. Secretary
Robert called for nominations for the position of Secretary. Rona Goold was nominated by John Hopkins, seconded by Helen Tranter. Rona accepted. No other nominations were received.
iv. Treasurer
Robert called for nominations for the position of Treasurer. Anne Wilson was nominated by Ian Wallace, seconded by Neil Harvey. Anne accepted. No other nominations were received.
Robert then declared:
Ian Wallace to be elected unopposed as President for 2017/2018.
Neil Harvey to be elected unopposed as Vice-president for 2017/2018.
Rona Goold to be elected unopposed as Secretary for 2017/2018.
Anne Wilson to be elected unopposed as Treasurer for 2017/2018.
All present agreed.
v. Other Committee Members
Robert called for nominations for a minimum of three other Committee members as required by the RHRS Constitution.
Robert Payne was nominated by Anne Wilson and seconded by Neil Harvey.
Helen Tranter was nominated by Rona Goold; seconded by Steve Carey.
Steve Carey was nominated by Helen Tranter; seconded by John Hopkins.
John Hopkins was nominated by Steve Carey; seconded by Neil Harvey.
Rob Randall was nominated by Rona Goold; seconded by Helen Tranter.
All agreed. No other nominations being received, Robert declared Robert Payne, Helen Tranter, Steve Carey, John Hopkins and Rob Randall elected to the RHRS Management Committee. All agreed. [Under the constitution, other members may be co-opted to the Management Committee as and if required.]
vi Appointment of co-ordinators/leaders for specific responsibilities.
Robert then called for nominations for the following areas of responsibility:
- Safety
- Station and heritage train visits
- History
- Publicity & Promotions
- Gallery
- Website and RHRS E-Bulletin
- Buildings & Maintenance
- Gardens & grounds maintenance
- Model railway group
- Events co-ordination
- Social co-ordination
- Membership & recruitment
16. Returning Officer to hand over Chair to newly elected President for 2017/2018
Robert thanked the Committee for the invitation to be the Returning Officer for the AGM and wished the incoming Committee every success. He then vacated the Chair.
17. Other business and questions -
Ian resumed the Chair and thanked Robert for his role as Returning Officer and expressed his appreciation to those accepting positions for the coming year.
Ian then declared the business part of the meeting closed.
The AGM was followed by a short talk on “RHRS planning for the future” by Neil Harvey, illustrated by a Powerpoint presentation.
Further discussion was generated during Neil’s session on how to involve the Robertson community further. Rona suggested RHRS look into affiliate memberships with other community organisations, such as the Garden Club so individuals could participate under RHRS insurance without requiring individual membership. Such an arrangement was discussed as possible with the high schools, specifically Years 9 and 10. John Hopkins offered his contact as a resource person to such an approach. Ian Wallace agreed to investigate this option with those that expressed an interest, when he returns in mid October.
Ian thanked Neil for his informative talk, and everyone for their interest and participation in the RHRS 2017 AGM. He declared the AGM formally closed.