to be held in the Fettlers Shed at 7.00pm on Thursday, 7 September 2017
to be held in the Fettlers Shed at 7.00pm on Thursday, 7 September 2017
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of last AGM, held on Thursday, 8 September 2016 – to be read by Ian Wallace
- President’s report for the past year, 2016/2017 – Ian Wallace
- “The Reality of RHRS in September 2017” - Ian Wallace
- Treasurer and Public Officer’s report for the past year – Anne Wilson
- Safety report – Neil Harvey
- Gallery report – Anne Wilson
- RHRS publicity, promotions, events & recruitment – Steve Carey on behalf of RHRS Management Committee
- Grounds & gardens report – Ian Wallace
- Station and heritage train visits – Ian Wallace
- Buildings & maintenance report – Neil Harvey
- Model railway report – Neil Harvey
- President to declare all 2016/2017 office-bearers’ positions vacant and to hand over Chair to Returning Officer Robert Goldsack
- Returning Officer to preside over election of office-bearers for 2017/2018 as follows:
- President
- Vice-president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Appoint up to four additional persons to the RHRS Management Committee
- Nominate co-ordinators/leaders for the following areas of responsibility:
- Safety
- Station and heritage train visits
- History
- Publicity & Promotions
- Gallery
- Website and RHRS E-Bulletin
- Buildings & Maintenance
- Gardens & grounds maintenance
- Model railway group
- Events co-ordination
- Social co-ordination
- Membership & recruitment
- Returning Officer to hand over Chair to newly elected President for 2017/2018
- Other business and questions
- Close
- Refreshments and short talk on “RHRS planning for the future” by Neil Harvey